alyssa coulombe

Veterinarian Dr. Alyssa Coulombe Serenity Veterinary Services In home euthanasia for pets Edmonton


Alyssa knew from a young age that she wanted to be a veterinarian. She was always surrounded by her wide array of pets, including hamsters, rabbits, cats, dogs, horses, and even a tarantula. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta in her hometown of Edmonton, and graduated with her veterinary degree from the University of Calgary in 2016. She was also awarded the Equine Foundation of Canada Scholarship, and the Morton Johnson Scholarship for Outstanding Client Care .

After graduation, she completed additional internship training at specialty practices in Alberta and California, before practicing in Oregon for a couple of years. In 2020 she returned back home to Alberta to practice in the Stony Plain area.

When not at work, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her dogs, relaxing at home with her cat, and riding her horse.

After several years of providing end of life care, both in clinic settings and at families homes, Alyssa developed a passion for end of life care, and pursued certification as a Peaceful Euthanasia Veterinarian. She is devoted to making that experience comforting and peaceful for both the people and animals involved. She feels that home visits offer a more private experience in which to share those final intimate moments with their loved one. She also believes that being able to relieve pain and suffering, and provide our beloved companions with a peaceful passing is one of the greatest gifts we can offer.


Certified Peaceful Euthanasia Veterinarian Edmonton

certified peaceful euthanasia veterinarian (CPEV)
- companion animal euthanasia training academy

international association for animal hospice and palliative care



American association of equine practitioners

doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM)
- university of calgary

We are proud to support Berkeley’s Place, a registered charity that is committed to advocating for animal care and quality of life through their various initiatives. They also share a passion for animal hospice, peaceful end-of-life care, and honouring our pets that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Learn more about Berkeley’s Place, as well as their Journey’s End Initiative, and their Honouring Ceremony Initiative.